Enabling relationships with members geographically, while establishing familiarity and trust with deacon leadership.
The plan for the Lilly Grove Deacon Family Ministry is accomplished when the deacon leadership join the Pastor in ministering to the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of each church member and family. Church families are divided into groups of twenty or more families. Each group of families are then assigned to a deacon who will minister to them over a period.
A part of each Deacon Family Ministry meeting is spent praying about specific needs of families and in rejoicing over needs met and victories won. The deacons meet monthly to evaluate the ministry plan, to plan actions for improvement, and to provide regular training opportunities for deacons to develop their skills in ministering to family needs.
The Deacon Family Ministry plan serves as a ministering example for the entire congregation. As deacons minister to families in the church, this helps and encourages other members to do the same.
DFM Calendar of Events
DFM Team #1
DFM Team Leaders:
- Winchell & Joyce Caraway
- Paul & Jean Davis
- Eugene & Deandralette Smith
- Rickey & Angela Viser
- Darrell & Denise Brightmon
This Ministry Include Zip Codes:
77034, 77062, 77503, 77506, 77515, 77532, 77546, 77573, 77583, 77587, 77590, 77058 , 77075, 77504, 77511, 77521, 77536, 77497, 77578, 77584, 77588, 77591, 77059, 77089, 77505, 77512, 77530, 77539, 77498, 77581, 77586, 77589, 77598
DFM Team #2
DFM Team Leaders:
- Cornelius & Elaine Anderson
- Derwin & Alice Hart
- James & Loyce Owens
- Willis & Darlene Robinson
- Frazier & Debbi Wallace
- Keith & Shayna Lucas
This Ministry Include Zip Codes:
77031, 77036, 77046, 77055, 77063, 77071, 77074, 77079, 77082, 77096, 77433, 77450 , 77035, 77042, 77052, 77057, 77070, 77072 , 77077, 77081, 77094, 77099, 77449, 77494
DFM Team #3
DFM Team Leaders:
- Utip & LaQuisha Akpaffiong
- James & Kimberly Brown
- Arthur Kelly
- Alfego & Gwendolyn Tate
- Ryan & Shundrea Thompson
- Darnell & Candic Henderson
- Patricia Grant
This Ministry Include Zip Codes:
77024, 77053, 77085, 77459, 77471, 77478, 77487, 77489, 77487, 77045, 77083, 77097, 77469, 77477, 77479, 77488, 77515, 77545
DFM Team #4
DFM Team Leaders:
- Michael & Estelle Abner
- Dean & Demetra Harding
- Hayden & Margie Jacob
- Walter & Jewel McBride
- Stephen & Tonya Scott
- Milton & Signora Simmons
- Andrew & Dietra Taylor
This Ministry Include Zip Codes:
77025, 77030, 77033, 77051, 77054
DFM Team #5
DFM Team Leaders:
- George & Sharon Doakes
- Anthony & Cecilia Garnett
- Donald & Annette Graves
- Reginald & Rita Mack
- Darren & Renee O'Neal
This Ministry Include Zip Codes:
77014, 77022, 77037, 77043, 77064, 77076, 77088, 77095, 77356, 77385, 77015, 77026, 77038, 77044, 77065, 77078, 77090, 77100, 77373, 77396, 77016, 77028, 77039, 77049, 77067, 77080, 77091, 77338, 77377, 77429, 77018, 77029, 77040, 77050, 77068, 77084, 77092, 77339, 77379, 77532, 77020, 77032, 77041, 77060, 77073, 77086, 77093, 77346, 77380
DFM Team #6
DFM Team Leaders:
- Lawrence Clark
- Cleophus & Shirley Henry
- Ervin & Marcia Johnson
- Peter & LaShawda Martin
- Darrell & Ila Washington
- Frank & Paula Williams
- Gordon & Betty Yancy
- Frank & Ali Brown
This Ministry Include Zip Codes:
77001, 77003, 77005, 77007, 77009, 77011, 77019, 77023, 77056, 77002, 77004, 77006, 77008, 77010, 77013, 77021, 77027, 77098
DFM Team #7
DFM Team Leaders:
- Brent & Yvette Gilmore
- Leonard & Laverne Harris
- Rudy & Constance Thompson
This Ministry Include Zip Codes:
77012, 77017, 77047, 77048, 77061, 77087